
"Our beloved old pool has swum its last lap, but we're diving headfirst into building a new one. We need your support to make this a reality. Please consider donating today or contact us to find out how you can help be a part of our new pool's legacy!"


Teen Camp

July 7-14

  • Ages 13-17
    Must be 13 by camp time or have completed grade 7.
  • Camper Sign-In
    Sunday at 3:00pm
  • Closing Program
    Sunday at 2:00pm
apply More info REGISTER Apply Now

Jr. Girls

July 14-21

  • Ages 8-12
    Must be 8 by camp time or have completed grade 2.
  • Camper Sign-In
    Sunday at 3:00pm
  • Closing Program
    Sunday at 2:00pm
apply More info REGISTER Apply Now

Jr. Boys

July 21-28

  • Ages 8-12
    Must be 8 by camp time or have completed grade 2.
  • Camper Sign-In
    Sunday at 3:00pm
  • Closing Program
    Sunday at 2:00pm
apply More info REGISTER Apply Now


For all camps

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About Us

Plover Lake Bible Camp is a non-denominational Bible Camp, located in south-eastern Alberta, which was started in the 1950s by a group of people who had a vision to reach their community for Jesus Christ. It continues to operate as a camp entirely supported by donations from interested people.

We Seek To:

  • Present Jesus Christ as the Son of God, and the only means by which we can have a right relationship with God, the forgiveness of sins, and assurance of eternal life;
  • Demonstrate through daily chapel times, speakers, programs and especially counselors; how Christ can be totally involved in a person’s life, thus challenging the camper in a growing way on physical, spiritual, social and mental levels;
  • Provide a program that will present the maximum counselor-camper interaction so that commitment to Christ can be observed and discussed on a personal level;
  • Provide an enjoyable time for the camper through activities offered and an opportunity to interact with others their own age.

We Believe In:

  • The unique, divine inspiration, integrity and authority of the Bible;
  • The deity of our Lord Jesus Christ;
  • The necessity an effectiveness of the substitutionary death of Jesus Christ for our sins and the fact of His bodily resurrection;
  • The presence and power of the Holy Spirit in the work of regeneration;
  • The promise of eternal life for those who accept Jesus as Lord and Savior, and the consummation of this present age at the glorious appearing of the great God and our Savior, Jesus Christ.

Mission Statement

Our purpose is to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and to encourage, challenge, and build relationships with youth.

Looking For Excitement?

Register for camp here!

apply now

Come Serve With Us!

Join our team for the summer

New Staff Returning Staff


Camp Contact
403 779 CAMP (2267)  -  Only during camp

Box 93
Youngstown, AB
We're easy to find. Just 4 miles south of Scotfield. If you don't know where that is, it's 26 miles east of Hanna and 6 miles west of Youngstown. Just take a look at the map.