What Campers Need To Know

What does it cost?
Plover Lake Bible Camp is a faith based camp, meaning that we rely totally on the Lord for our needs.  Since the camp was started in 1954, it has always been free for the campers.  God has never failed in His promise to provide, and has blessed with abundance.  We have been able to upgrade the main building, staff cabins, and camper cabins over the years.  If you desire to donate, donations are accepted at camp time, with a tax-deductible receipt following. We thank the Lord for your gift.

Bible learning and singing are an important part of the daily chapel times.  Campers may also enjoy some of the following activities: games, swimming, crafts, sports, and campfires.

What to Bring...
Warm sleeping bag, pillow, sleeping mat/pad, warm coat, swimsuit, towel, Bible and notebook, personal effects, changes of clothing and a water bottle. Please ensure that clothing and swimwear is modest and appropriate.  Cameras are allowed, but their use will be monitored by the staff.  The camp is not responsible for lost articles.

Campers are allowed to spend a maximum of $6.00 for tuck (donations can be made at sign in).
T-shirts and hoodies are also available at sign in, at a cost of $10 and $20. Water bottles will also be available for purchase.
NOTE: Please mark all your belongings clearly.

What NOT to Bring...
Please do not bring food or candy. We ask that all personal electronics (cell phones, tablets or smart watches) be left at home or turned into the camp office.

Please Register Early
We accept registrations on a first come, first served basis only.  The number of camper space is limited.  Once you have sent your application, consider yourself registered unless you hear from us otherwise.



Merle Blair

Caleb Klassen

Camp Contact
403 779 CAMP (2267)  -  Only during camp


Box 93
Youngstown, AB
We're easy to find. Just 4 miles south of Scotfield. If you don't know where that is, it's 26 miles east of Hanna and 6 miles west of Youngstown. Just take a look at the map.